Dazzle and Me, Then and Now


When i was 8 years old, I wanted to get a pet. It wasn't practical for our family to walk a dog. i am an only child, and i wanted a pet that would be a loyal friend as i grew up. rabbits live around 8 to 10 years, maybe even 12 years or more. Now that I’m almost 18 and Dazzle is still alive and well, that has come true!

Home for the Holidays, December 2012

The Irvine Animal Shelter has an event in December, Home for the Holidays, so people can adopt pets and bring them home for the holidays. I went to the rabbit area and asked to see some rabbits. First, I picked a silver-colored rabbit named Pewter. They put him in a pen with me, he was ok. The worker asked if I wanted to see another one, she said he was sweeter. they out Dazzle in the pen with me. He came up to me and peed on my leg! It was as if he was saying that I was his. I decided to bring Dazzle home. The shelter said first, we had to prepare his cage and all his stuff and gave is a list with what to get. 

This picture is when I first brought Dazzle home, in his new setup. He is 8 months old and I am 8 years old. We got the cage, sheets and towels, food and water bowls, a litter box, bedding, hay, brush, a nail clipper, and food and vegetables.

 He was happy in his new home. We put up baby gates in the kitchen so we could let him out of his cage. But, he hopped over the gate! So we had to raise the gate.

Dazzle turns 10!

Dazzle is living out his golden years in comfort. He can no longer jump over the gate, but he is still active. I like just watching him as he eats his salad, cleans himself, and plays with his toys.

This is Dazzle and I today. I have grown and he looks similar. He is still a good friend.

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