Dazzle Chilling at Home


Dazzle has lived in the kitchen all his life. It's home to him, and I know he likes it because when we take him the vet or to get his nails trimmed, it's hard to get him in the carrier. But when we get back home, he hops right out of the carrier, happy to be home.

Doing his cage weekly

I've gotten good at doing his cage every week. When I was younger I helped by parents, now I do the whole thing by myself. First, I remove all the items, toys, litter box, from his cage. Then I fold the cage and set it aside. Then I wash the sheets, and clean the puzzle mat underneath. I change his litter box and put new bedding and hay in the box. Then I put the cage back together, putting the sheets and towels over the puzzle mat, and then putting the cage back together. Then I put the litter box, toys, and food bowls back in. Dazzle is happy to have a clean house!

Feeding Dazzle

Dazzle gets the following:

  • Rabbit pellets
  • Fresh vegetables, his favorite is spinach
  • Lots of hay
  • Occasional treat like a hay lollipop
  • Plenty of water
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