Rabbits Make Great Pets!

Dazzle has been my pet rabbit for 10 years. He is fun, clean, and a good friend.

Please enjoy the photos above of Dazzle, and some of me and Dazzle, throughout our 10 years together. The one that it looks like there are two of him, is actually a stuffed animal made to look like Dazzle from Cuddle Clones.

Please watch my video here about Why Rabbits Make Great Pets. 




When i was 8 years old, I wanted to get a pet. It wasn't practical for our family to walk a dog. i am an only child, and i wanted a pet that would be a loyal friend as i grew up. rabbits live around 8 to 10 years, maybe even 12 years or more. Now that I’m almost 18 and Dazzle is still alive and well, that has come true!...

Dazzle has lived in the kitchen all his life. It's home to him, and I know he likes it because when we take him the vet or to get his nails trimmed, it's hard to get him in the carrier. But when we get back home, he hops right out of the carrier, happy to be home.

About Me

Dazzle has been my fun and loyal pet for 10 years.

I got my pet rabbit Dazzle when he was 8 months old, and I was 8 years old. Now he is 10 years old and I am almost 18. Dazzle has been a wonderful childhood pet. I want to share the joy of rabbit ownership with kids of all ages that are considering one.

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Get in touch

I want to spread the joy of rabbit ownership to others. They are great pets, friendly and good listeners.

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